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Those Colleges and Stuff - Cloud_9ine - 05-06-2011

So I have an SAT Tomorrow to derp around with and I am working on my list of colleges to consider to consider. I'm actually going into some hard science so it is actually worth going, but I find myself so, like, wishy washy over what exactly. I mean on the spectrum of EE -> CE -> CS -> SE (Non-abused SE where you actually do shit) I like the close to hardware CE and the close to user SE (with a dash of design, but graphic design and the like I can look into some other time) While originally I was going for CS, I ending up realizing I didn't want to derp around with heavy math theory when I really wanted to go direct with the user. That said I'm currently looking into EE with a CE option (possible double major) or just straight up CE as I can do SE stuff on my own while still actually getting a real degree that can help me out. Co-ops would be win and stuff too. In general, I don't have much of a clue what I want and while the first year I can "discover myself," such a time may be a bit short as APs might get me out of a fair bit of general Ed. or if anything some Engineering PreReqs. (BC Calc and Calc based phys anyone?) All in all, what do I do when I like to do software to interface with users directly (so like a non-derp software engineer) but I also like doing hardware on a CompE level in general? Maybe I should just get every engineering degree I can get and just start collecting hats while hitting shit with a wrench.

That said, whole else enjoys the lovely decide-everything-of-their-life process? Got anything to contribute to my plight or have stories about your own experiences? Post away!

Re: Those Colleges and Stuff - Badgerman of DOOM - 05-06-2011

go in undeclared if you don't know what you want to do

Re: Those Colleges and Stuff - Cloud_9ine - 05-06-2011

I realize that being an option, but seing as I am wanting to go into hard sciences/engineering it is probably better to look for places with an undeclared engineering as they tend to accelerate into stuff right in first year.

Re: Those Colleges and Stuff - Stein - 05-07-2011

At U.Washington in Seattle, I'm going in as an undeclared engineer: I take prerequisite classes for the departments I think I'm interested in for two years, then apply to a specific department.

Re: Those Colleges and Stuff - Eightball - 05-07-2011

Don't know about your prospective school, but here at NU most engineering students take a series of Engineering Design/Analysis courses for their first year (required for all majors within the engineering school), along with whatever mathematics they still need. You can probably get away with not either not declaring a major or declaring a random one until the end of your first year.

Re: Those Colleges and Stuff - Surf314 - 05-07-2011

A lot of people don't declare, and a lot of people that do switch majors. There is no problem with going into college open to a variety of paths.

Re: Those Colleges and Stuff - Cloud_9ine - 05-07-2011

Yea I figured, overall. I guess it is just the pressure over here to go and major into something well...major and to at least have an idea.

Re: Those Colleges and Stuff - Didzo - 05-08-2011

You seem to like engineering - pick whatever sort of engineering interests you the most at the time, and if you find that you aren't enjoying it as much or find something more interesting, just switch. Switching within departments usually takes nothing more than a click of a few buttons and a day or two wait before you're good to go. You'll be crunching through general education the first year or so anyway, so you have time.