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GDC Daily Recaps

Posts: 2,633
Joined: Apr 2008
03-03-2015, 10:23 PM

The game developer's conference has been going on this week, so I'll recap the things I've been paying attention to:

Day 1:
Epic announces Unreal Engine 4 is free up until you release a title, after that it's 5% royalty on $3,000 gross revenue or more for each quarter.

Day 2:
Unity 5 announces it's finally out of it's beta stage and has a free version and a pro license, each are royalty free
Valve and HTC Announces a VR Partnership
Valve Announces the Steam Link
Valve announces officially that Source 2 is coming and is free to content developers.

Basically first two days of GDC and 3 of the largest game engines in... gaming... have announced free platforms.

Good week to be a games dev...

[Image: b_350_20_323957_202743_F19A15_111111.png]

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