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anyone use dropbox?

Basically I'm looking for something that will sync the music folder on my desktop to my media server
they are both networked
it doesn't have to be over the internet but it seems like that is my only option if i want it done automatically

does any body have any sync software suggestions?
why sync? just drop a raid in your media server and set it up with an nfs-server
(09-25-2009, 03:54 PM)CopulatingDuck link Wrote: [ -> ]why sync? just drop a raid in your media server and set it up with an nfs-server
sorry i should have mentioned that my media server is an old desktop with windows installed
windows is installed because it's the only OS that i could find a media server to shoot my music to a networked 360
You can still setup nfs, ftp, ssh, etc servers on it (in spite of windows) (nfs) (ftpfs)

Just look around a little bit, this is much better than sending files from your computer to dropbox and back to another computer on your home network (there's tons of network file servers for windows, just look around for one that has the right features/faqs in the event you've never set one up before, you'll be much happier this way)
alternatively, in the explorer bar

Quick google = This.

SyncToy looks like it might work? idk
(09-25-2009, 04:22 PM)Mission Difficult link Wrote: [ -> ]Quick google = This.

SyncToy looks like it might work? idk
saw that, but i dunno if sync toy will work with 7trying it now

thanks duck, i'll play with nfs when i get some free time

synctoy works alright, i just wish it would do it automatically and in real time :S
Well, I hear dropbox automatically detects two boxes on the same network and uses lan to sync those if that's any help.
(09-26-2009, 12:40 AM)backfire link Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I hear dropbox automatically detects two boxes on the same network and uses lan to sync those if that's any help.
that would be cool, as well as having a remote backup of my music, just in case.
Any of these programs work to sync folders between 2 drives on the same computer?