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It is not a dating sim.

After a recommendation from backfire I got this game as part of a $5 indie bundle. It's essentially melee gunstar heroes with even more boss battles and a solid highscore system. It even has difficulty levels which has become far too rare in recent video games. Do yourself a major favor and get this.
Quote:Thursday, June 14, 2012
10:52 PM - matter11: between your name and game titles I want you to know that your "anime growth" is putting you in danger of leaving the third dimension
10:52 PM - matter11: just be careful man
10:52 PM - mies backfire「ばかx3」: you have noooo idea
10:53 PM - mies backfire「ばかx3」: also I don't even know what this game is. wedge just posted a random steamcode on the forums this morning and I took it
10:54 PM - matter11: i thought you made the title yourself
10:54 PM - mies backfire「ばかx3」: nope
10:54 PM - matter11: sounds a lot like a dating sim
10:54 PM - mies backfire「ばかx3」: it's some sorta... retro fighting game?
10:54 PM - mies backfire「ばかx3」: I have no idea. Look at the store page
Quote:Friday, June 15, 2012
11:34 PM - matter11: okay so this game is pretty much balls to the walls fantastic
11:34 PM - matter11: I will never judge by titles again
11:34 PM - mies backfire「ばかx3」: that you should not
looks like awesome probably will pick up the bundle soon
Rofl.  Konjak is the shit.  The Iconoclasts is gonna be the best game ever if he finishes it someday.  And yeah, I had already bought the game on Steam when I got that bundle, so just threw the code for it up here.