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Full Version: ZMM 7/5- "OH CRAP IT'S MONDAY ALREADY!" Edition
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So happy day after Independence Day... unless you don't live in Uhmerricah or somethin...


[Image: versus.png]

Versus Survival
[color=#555555]The first Survivor team sets the time. The second team tries to beat it. Then the first team tries to beat the second team's time. Then the second team tries to beat the first team's time. And then the... you get the idea. Rounds keep switching until someone fails to beat the previous time.

Games are extremely short. Each round only takes about 4 minutes tops, and since it just goes on until one team can't beat the other, it would usually only got on for about 2-4 tries. We'll try several rounds of this and just end whenever everyone gets bored.

How many more mutations are left? I'm thinkin of turning this into Minecraft Mondays as soon as the mutations are over and Survival Multiplayer comes out. :-\

Game starts at 8pm CST (That's the normal TFT/FNF time) but I put up a lobby 5 minutes to. If you wanna guarantee your position, show up early. Shout out if you can make it, and make sure to spam invites when you show. Also, join the BRB, 4 Dead steam group to keep up on announcements and whatnot. Send me a pm or steam message if you want in.
I might actually be able to make this for once!
My Mondays have been "taken back" for the next 2 months. I'll probably be able to make it out tonight! Yays
I guess i can go
lol @ spawning as survivor on the water, taking 2 shots with my pistol, then immediately sinking & drowning.
Also, the roof of safety and win. Lasted a whole 5 seconds until I was charged off the roof and pummeled to death. :p

I say Versus Survival should be official. Awesome for short games. Each round only lasted about 4 minutes tops, and every game would go on for about 3 or 4 rounds. Also like Caff said, you're guaranteed rape, so that's a plus.