Be Right Back, Uninstalling
ARTS/BLOWS FOR PARTS! - Printable Version

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ARTS/BLOWS FOR PARTS! - hawtpawkithero - 09-18-2008

No matter what, there's always something wrong with my damned computer. It was the first computer I ever built, it's nearing it's 4 year old mark, and I was very retarded while picking parts for it. Now, I know what I'm doing, but I find myself with no money. I'm caught between school graduation projects, school work, a shitty job that i only work on the weekends for minimum wage, who's paychecks go all into my car insurance and phone bill.

I'm down to a single shitty video card again, so any new game isn't going to run.

My parents are going broke and can't help me buy a new computer because our family's main source of income is my father's landscaping business, which is getting hit out the ass because of gas prices (most of the things his business does involves the movement of heavy machinery, so oil prices are directly linked to his profits).


I would try and make this comical to some extent, but I don't see anything funny about it. Sorry.

So I'll do arts for you! Just name the arts and gimme da parts!

I'll make a graffiti penis for 100 dollars and catch it on video <3 I'll also make sure the arrest that follows shortly after is all caught on tape too.

Re: I'm sick of this computer - Surf314 - 09-18-2008

I am noticing a few things.

1) you could get by with much less than that goal.
2) you are asking for money instead of spare parts
3) you should probably pimp out your mad art skills for donations if you are going to ask for money.

Re: I'm sick of this computer - hawtpawkithero - 09-18-2008

Very well. For each donation, I will draw anything for whoever donates.
And I just set the 1 grand goal because you're required to put an amount in, I know it won't hit that, but I just put it up as an even number anyway.

Re: I'm sick of this computer - Blues - 09-18-2008

Depending on what old parts you still have that are useable, I could get you together a comp for quite possibly under 500$ that will play everything. My comp ran just about everything but Crysis on mid/high on 1680x1050, and cost me a grand total of 400$ excluding peripherals.

Re: I'm sick of this computer - Surf314 - 09-18-2008

OK so the first official art for parts is a go.  See its clever because they share many of the same letters.  I should have been in marketing.

Re: I'm sick of this computer - hawtpawkithero - 09-18-2008

(09-18-2008, 07:45 PM)Blues link Wrote: Depending on what old parts you still have that are useable, I could get you together a comp for quite possibly under 500$ that will play everything. My comp ran just about everything but Crysis on mid/high on 1680x1050, and cost me a grand total of 400$ excluding peripherals.

I know how to build a good budget build, I made one for a friend last christmas for 400 and it plays TF2 on full settings at around 65-70fps. Not hard to do, but thanks for the offer.

EDIT: I edited the first post, ARTS FOR PARTS! (+1 surf)

Re: ARTS FOR PARTS! - Ceceil Felias - 09-20-2008

I have no money and I've just about exhausted my supply of spare parts. I'm sorry, but I can't help by any stretch. :x

Re: ARTS FOR PARTS! - Dave - 09-21-2008

change it to blows for parts and you got yourself a deal photoshop.

Re: ARTS/BLOWS FOR PARTS! - WTF Joel - 09-21-2008

Hawtpawkit doesnt do any art for other people o.o he just says he will then makes you wait for months <3

Re: ARTS/BLOWS FOR PARTS! - hawtpawkithero - 09-21-2008

(09-21-2008, 10:39 AM)Metal Lemur Solid link Wrote: Hawtpawkit doesnt do any art for other people o.o he just says he will then makes you wait for months <3

Yeah I'll get to that eventually...